Understanding Cholesterol


Having helped many clients improve their blood markers particularly with respect to cholesterol and lipid profiles and seeing that there is still a great deal of misunderstanding out there in the complex world of cholesterol health, I have decided to dedicate this page to the various content I have available that can help you understand and improve your cholesterol and cardiovascular health!


Why is cholesterol so misunderstood?  Why is there still so much incorrect advice given by health authorities, the media and even many doctors! What do you need to know?  What are lipoproteins? Should we eat or avoid cholesterol and fats for heart health? Understand your blood markers!


Eggs and Cholesterol Levels

A lot of people still believe that foods high in cholesterol raise blood cholesterol levels...makes sense right? High blood cholesterol is "bad" so eat less of it?

Firstly though, cholesterol is actually vital for us to live! Without it we would not be able to produce any testosterone, oestrogen or cortisol. Because it is so important, the liver can actually manufacture cholesterol. We now know that consuming foods high in cholesterol has little to no effect on blood cholesterol levels, simply as when we consume more through the diet the body produces less!….Click here to read in full

Eggs and Cholesterol

Managing Insulin Sensitivity

There are times when I start working with a new client with the goal to reduce body fat levels where I decide that the best approach would be to start by improving their hormonal environment. Control of hormones is key to fat loss!

Insulin is the hormone that is responsible for the storage of nutrients into fat tissue or muscle tissue. The sensitivity of each tissue to insulin can vary, fat tissue may be very sensitive to insulin whilst muscle tissue may be less sensitive and vica versa. The sensitivity of each will…Click here to read in full